
Showing posts from February, 2019

About me

Can you stop reading at any time, or does it have to be a certain page or chapter? I must stop at a chapter. If I don’t I feel like something is wrong 😂 Do you eat or drink anything whilst reading? I don’t usually drink or eat while reading, but if I do it´s tea Can you read listening to music or watching TV? Not really. If the story isn’t insanely capturing I just can´t concentrate. One book at a time, or several at once? One! Or else I just mix the plots 😂 Reading at home or everywhere? Prefer home, but if it´s not too loud around me, I can read everywhere Reading out loud or silently in your head? I read silently in my head. Are there anyone who read 500 pages long books out loud? Do you read ahead, or skip pages?   No, but if I don’t feel like continuing a book, I read the last page… Breaking the spine or keeping it new? Keeping it new Do you write books, or just read them? I just read 😊 -Sarah (https://thelittlecont